Keck USC Department of Surgery

Keck USC Dept. of Surgery

As of September 2016, the site annually receives more than 2.27 million page views from more than 1.37 million unique visitors, and has increased traffic by 25% every year. Working directly with surgeons and administrators, I created the architecture for a 2000-page site, including 15 divisional subsites. Researched, wrote and proofread text content, created and edited photos, diagrams, and illustrations, and promoted the site through SEO and social media, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


Schoolguides: Transition Guides for Students

School and education website

Web design and front end architecture, book design, print/promotional material design, marketing and search engine strategies, cartoons and illustrations.

Another multifaceted project that began as a simple website redesign, the program expanded to include designing a 64-page student handbook, logo and branding, and creating marketing pieces for new online experiences, including a social networking module for schools.

The website went through at least three major redesigns to keep up with its evolving target market, which is schoolchildren and their families. The most recent version was designed to reflect other marketing pieces aimed toward high school students, including TV commercials, magazine ads, and point of purchase displays at retail stores.

Although the website’s largest target audience was high school students and their families, other subsections were aimed toward middle school and elementary students, as well as a separate section that took the visitor directly to order forms. To make navigation as simple as possible right from the start, we worked with the Schoolguides educators to distill the options on the home page, ultimately reducing the number of main buttons to four. We would sometimes add a fifth button during a promotional period, including one that called attention to a DVD on computer/Internet addiction. Below is one of the cartoons I drew for the DVD cover and supportive material for the website.


Commercial Sand Blast Company

Produced for a modest budget and with very little text content from the client, the Commercial Sandblast website required maneuvering of available collateral material to create a sense of visual robustness. Another goal was to get the simple message of “we do commercial sandblasting, pipeline coating, painting and restoration” out to the public, as clearly as possible. Because the client had dozens of high quality photos of their projects, we focused on images to promote the company’s skills and equipment, while emphasizing that they are certified, safe, and capable of handling almost any job.

In addition to design, each web page was optimized to attract search engines (SEO) based on specific criteria, including promotion to local businesses in the Los Angeles area.



Kay Dermatology

Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Skin Website

Web design, development & front end architecture, content editing, video editing and conversion, web marketing and search engine optimization.

Our task was to create an informative online experience while still maintaining a certain level of design aesthetics, a certain “sexiness”. The biggest challenge to this project was organizing the large number of services and treatments offered, and categorizing them into a manageable number of subsections. Services that were more common or needed additional promotion, like acne treatment and laser cosmetics, were reiterated using newsletter articles, strategic link positioning on the web page, and before-and-after photos, to attract image search engines as well as provide potential customers with examples from actual patients.

Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)

Special Needs Education Center Nonprofit

Logo/identity branding, web design, marketing, print/promotional material design, online video production.

The TASK website project began with the design of a people-friendly logo that was colorful and optimistic. The logo had to be reducible as well as recognizable when printed in black and white. The logo and the web site had to accurately depict the demographic that TASK serves, which is special needs children and their parents and families. Another major emphasis was in showing the TASK’s staff and meeting rooms, so that web visitors will be familiar with the TASK environment before their first physical visit. Support, advocacy and a welcoming atmosphere was the consistent theme throughout.

In addition to the website, we worked with TASK to come up with the slogan, “Supporting, informing, empowering,” honing the essence of their mission from twenty rough slogan ideas, down to three succinct words. We also created a template for their quarterly newsletter in Microsoft Publisher, the program used by TASK staff.

Our duties included updating the website, editing/converting web and print graphics, and acting as liaison with printers during production of promotional items. Other duties include marketing strategies consulting, search engine optimization, and implementing web apps like the social networking buttons. We also created and administer a fan page for TASK within the Facebook social networking site.