Learning, Absorption, Implementation, Perfection (LAIP)

brain gear

I’ve been thinking about why, at a certain point of learning a new app or software, it actually becomes FUN, and I realize that I’ve learned enough to want to freestyle, just like learning a musical instrument to the point to where you can write your own songs. Same with the piano and drawing and Photoshop, and now I’m starting to feel it with WordPress.

There are other theories on phases of learning, but nothing I’ve seen that deals with this, the span of time during which a person is first introduced to the knowledge, to the time when they are comfortable enough to HONE their skill using that information.

1) The first step is LEARNING–somebody or something shows you how it’s done.

2) The second step is ABSORPTION–where you need time to process the information, and where you SHOULD NOT have any more input or else what you have just learned will just get confusing. It’s also important that you DO NOT jump to step 3 before this step 2 has figuratively “sunk in” your brain.

3) Third step is IMPLEMENTATION–where you create something to show that you’ve actually learned something.

4) Last step is PERFECTION–where you’ve spent x number of hours, and now it’s like second nature to you and you want to either change up the rules or hone it so you become guru level at it.

* Now, in my opinion, this is the IDEAL way to learn–to take the time do go through each of the phases.

But nowadays, I really think very few people have or take the time go even go through the Step 2 ABSORPTION phase. There’s such an immediate need to PRODUCE CONTENT that the modern learner has no time to let all this stuff sink in before they’re pressured into regurgitating the information that they just learned.

Sample Letter of Recommendation

writing letter of recommendation


* Names have been replaced by placeholders.

Gerardo San Diego
Consultant, InternetArchitect.org
June 13, 2018

Jefferson High School
1234 Mission Street
Los Angeles, CA 90034

To whom it may concern:

My name is Gerardo San Diego, and I have been a business owner in the city of Los Angeles, California since 1994. My services include content design and web consulting, marketing and strategy.

I have known Mr. John Smith since 2007, and have collaborated with him on projects ranging from website development, to digital and print graphic design, corporate branding on t-shirts and other promotional material, to strategy and mentoring sessions with students from Jefferson High School.

First, I can vouch for Mr. Smith’s knowledge of the print and design business, having seen his adept skills with dozens of Adobe and other creative software, as well as his hands-on expertise at printing machines, silkscreens, photographic equipment, and vinyl window applications, among others.

I can also vouch for Mr. Smith’s impressively calm temperament and the ability to excel and perform even when immersed in a room full of people that each want a piece of his attention—during crunch time at the shop, there are sometimes clients as well as his staff of designers and interns, each of whom needs questions answered, and he always performs admirably, as a business owner and more importantly as a human being, giving every person respectful attention and enough time to find a solution. I myself don’t how he does it, because I couldn’t do it myself, but there it is. Regardless of the situation, his demeanor always remains level-headed and optimistic.

Lastly, I can vouch for Mr. Smith’s passion for giving back to the community, especially to schools and students. John and his wife Elizabeth have two teenage daughters of their own, and they know the current and future value of proper guidance, patience, and care. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard him say, in one form or another, the phrase, “It’s worth it, for the children.”

Gerardo San Diego